Cervical Cancer - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment

Cervical Cancer - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment

Cervical cancer starts from the cells of the cervix. The cervix consists mainly of squamous cells. Adenocarcinoma can also occur. The cervix is ​​the junction between the lower part of the uterus and the upper part of the vagina. There is no end to people’s discussion about breast cancer but it is very important to know about cervical cancer. Did you know, it is the second most common cancer in women and the fifth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the world? Every two minutes in the world, one woman dies of this cancer. But it can be prevented if you are a little aware.

Causes of Cervical Cancer

Find out the reason first. Human papilloma virus causes 90% of cases of this cancer. So this is the main reason. There are some high-risk strains of this virus against which vaccines are available. There is no vaccine for the rest. So should have regular check up, especially women above forty. Some risk factors should also be avoided.

Risk factors for cervical cancer

  • 1) Marrying young
  • 2) Having children at a young age
  • 3) Having sex with a person’s previous wife who has this disease
  • 4) Having sex with more than one person
  • 5) Frequent or more children
  • 6) Using diet pills
  • 7) Infection – HIV , Human papilloma, Chlamydia virus infection

These factors are helpful in preventing cancer in a woman’s body. Avoiding these things properly will reduce the risk of cancer. Education is lacking among the lower classes. But those who are well educated and health conscious should be aware of these issues and the people around and even working girls should be aware. A life is a life and it is precious.

Prevention of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer vaccine can be taken after 10 years. Vaccines are of no use once cancer occurs. There are three doses. The second dose should be given one month after the first and the third dose five or six months after the first. I have already said that the vaccine cannot prevent this cancer 100%. But at regular check-ups, there is a test called pap smear, which can detect any cancerous changes in your cervix.

This is a screening test. It is best to do it once every 3-5 years. Can be done after 21 years. It should be done regularly after 40 years, once a year after 50 is better. Even if the vaccine is given, the test should be done. It is widely used in the developed world. If cancer-like changes in the cells are detected earlier, it can be cured through further treatments including laser ablation, cryotherapy and what to do in case of cancer is mentioned separately below.

Symptoms of cervical cancer

There are usually no different types of symptoms  in the early stage. The significant symptoms of this disease are –

  • 1) Vaginal bleeding, bleeding during intercourse or contact bleeding.
  • 2) Foul-smelling vaginal discharge: The disease can spread throughout the body through metastasis. In the advanced stage, the symptoms spread to the stomach and lungs, such as –
  • 3) Weight loss, loss of appetite, tiredness
  • 4) Cough, coughing up blood
  • 5) Diarrhea, blood in stool, burning in urine, frequent urination
  • 6) Suffering from blood deficiency
  • 7) Back pain, lower abdominal pain, leg pain and leg swelling

Cervical cancer treatment

Based on the stage, different treatments are given for each stage. Three types of treatment are given: surgery, radio and chemotherapy. Some common treatments are given alongside the main treatment. Pain killers, antibiotics, blood transfusion etc. are taken depending on the symptoms. Among the surgeries, Wertheim’s radical hysterectomy, pelvic exoneration are notable. Surgery is done in first and second stage. When advanced, surgery is useless because the cancer seeds spread throughout the body. Radiotherapy is used in all stages.

It is reduced in size with radiotherapy long before surgery. Chemotherapy is given by the doctor as needed. Regular follow up after operation is essential. Follow up should be done every 3 months for the first 1 year, every 6 months for the next 1 year and then every 1 year thereafter.

Surgery is usually done to remove as much of the cancer as possible. Besides radiation, cancer cells are killed using high-energy X-ray beams. And chemotherapy is the treatment of this disease using drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. But chemotherapy is done in several steps.

Those at higher risk

Uterine and breast cancer is a very dangerous disease for women. Especially women who spend most of their time sitting at work and at home are at higher risk of developing uterine and breast cancer. Besides, there are some other reasons,

  • 1. Women with mental problems or neurological disorders also have a double risk of developing cervical cancer.
  • 2. Smoking and the uncontrolled use of birth control pills can also cause cervical cancer in women.
  • 3. Besides, unsafe sex is one of the causes of cervical cancer.


Diet to prevent Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment

To prevent cancer we have to be aware in advance because it cannot be cured but prevention is possible. What to eat to prevent-

Flavonoids: Flavonoids are chemical compounds in colorful fruits and vegetables that are believed to be a major source of protection against cancer. Some examples of foods rich in flavonoids are apples, black beans, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, garlic, lettuce, beans, onions, soy, spinach.

Folate or folic acid (vitamin B9): Studies have shown that foods rich in folate (a water-soluble B vitamin) reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Foods rich in folate include: avocados, chickpeas, cereals (oats, barley) and bread, lentils, orange juice, lettuce, strawberries.

Foods to eat to Prevent Cervical Cancer

According to the World Health Organization, approx. 9.6million people died of cancer in 2018. Three lakh people are diagnosed with new cancer every year. But if you make some changes in your daily life, cancer can be kept away. We all need to know about ways to prevent this deadly disease. There are certain foods that increase the risk of cancer, while on the other hand there are several foods that can build a strong immune system against cancer.

According to ancient concepts, vegetarian food plays a significant role in keeping the body healthy. Even nutritionists agree today. Any fresh fruit including guava, mango, jam, apple, banana and vegetables like beets, pumpkin, tomato, radish help strengthen the immune system. Vegetables and fruits should not be eaten every day, try to include seasonal vegetables and fruits in the daily food list. Let’s know about some fruits and vegetables that help keep us healthy overall including preventing cancer-

Bananas: Bananas are available at every time of the year. Bananas can be eaten daily if there are no other physical problems. This fruit is a powerful source of active compounds of selenium. Besides strengthening the immune system, it can destroy cancer cells.

Apple: Although the price is high, this fruit is available in the market throughout the year. It contains procyanidins, which are effective in preventing cancer.

Cervical Cancer - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment

Pomegranate: Pomegranate contains a compound called polyphenol, which can play a significant role in destroying cancer-causing cells.

Grapes: Grapes contain resveratrol, which helps in overall health by reducing the risk of cancer.

Orange: It is an essential cancer fighter. 2_Hydroxyflavonoids (2_HF) in orange peel play an effective role in destroying breast and lung cancer cells.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain an antioxidant called lycopene which is a great enemy of cancer. So don’t forget to include tomatoes in your daily diet.

Broccoli: This vegetable is now available in our country at affordable prices. This green vegetable is a rich source of phytochemicals called indole-3 carbinol. This ingredient can destroy cancer cells.

Beets: Contains adequate amounts of beta cyanine. Which plays a significant role in building resistance against cancer.

Nuts: Its scientific name is Amaranthus viridis is a very important anti-cancer agent.

Cauliflower: People who eat more cauliflower and cabbage have a lower risk of developing cancer. According to a European study, people who eat more of these foods have a lower risk of kidney cancer.

Garlic: This intensely pungent herb contains allyl sulfur compounds that build the immune system against cancer. A study found that garlic helps reduce the risk of colon cancer by 50 percent. Besides, garlic is also very beneficial for the heart.

Eat nuts regularly: Nuts are high in calories. Those who regularly eat almonds have a reduced risk of cancer. Because almonds can have an effect on cancer by affecting the respiratory and nervous systems. Because cancer can be caused by many factors, almonds may reduce the risk of only a small number of causes. You can also eat regularly: turmeric, vitamin C, omega 3 and
Vitamin D

Reduce sitting habits: A study found that those who spend most of the day sitting have a 24 percent higher risk of cancer. So instead of sitting continuously, walk around for at least a few minutes an hour. Many people are at risk of cancer due to genetics. Secondly, irregular lifestyle can also cause cancer. If one does not eat on time, does not sleep enough, then there is a possibility of gaining weight. And this weight gain increases the risk of cancer.

Third, consumption of unsafe food increases the risk of cancer. For example, foods that contain various dyes or chemicals, such as formalin, increase the risk of cancer. Improperly stored food and expired food are cancer risk. Simply put, lack of awareness increases the risk of cancer.

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