What threatens our body and mind is stress or pressure on the mind. It can be any demand or extra work pressure beyond the capacity of the body or mind, or an animal attack, an unexpected event (such as an accident, conflict with a loved one). All of us experience stress at some point in our lives; Which can be of different levels like mild, moderate or severe.
Just as the causes of stress are different for each person, stress affects different people differently. At the root of which are the differences between human genetic characteristics, social skills, social support etc. In many cases, negative thoughts about stress indirectly cause more damage than direct stress.
Cognitive, physical, emotional, behavioral symptoms are observed in a person under chronic stress. For example-
Changes in thinking and consciousness/cognitive symptoms
- Forget things
- attention problems
- Diminished judgment
- Pain in different parts of the body
- Suffer from diarrhea or constipation
- Nausea, dizziness
- Chest pain, increased heart rate, sexual reluctance
- Frequent colds and coughs
- Being depressed or feeling unhappy all the time
- Being anxious, restless
- To be angry, to be annoyed
- Feeling tired or upset
- To suffer from loneliness, to be isolated
- Over or under eating
- Sleeping too much or too little
- To withdraw from everything
- Neglecting or neglecting to perform duties
- Taking cigarettes, alcohol or various drugs for mental relaxation.
Moreover, long-term stress can cause high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, reduced fertility, reduced immunity, etc. in a person.
Causes of Stress
- Long term physical diseases like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis etc.
- Emotional problems like depression, bereavement, guilt, lack of confidence etc.
- Tension in close relationships, lack of friends, lack of people to support.
- Any major change in life such as the death of a spouse, mother/father, dismissal from a job, marriage or divorce, having a child and taking care of a child, moving to a new city or country can be a cause of mental stress.
- If someone in the family is sick, under stress, it can affect others in the same family.
- Poverty or financial loss.
- If there is excessive work pressure at the workplace or if the work environment is not conducive to work.
- If subjected to various types of physical and mental torture.
- Due to physical and mental changes due to aging.
- If there is a conflict between your beliefs, values, etc.
There will always be some pressure. Some pressure is always desirable; Which motivates people to work, has a positive effect on human growth, productivity. So without worrying about reducing stress or being stress free, you have to manage stress. Whether stress is an enemy or a friend depends on how a person deals with it.
Ways to Relieve Stress
Stress affects all of us to some extent. Personal and social threats, work-goats, busyness, illness-disease all this stress disturbs our health and sleep. As a result, life becomes miserable. Disappointment in small matters once spread in the form of an epidemic in life! Before enjoying this small life, the mind is filled with sadness. But can it be allowed to continue like this? So what should be done? Let’s learn some simple yet effective ways to deal with stress –
01. Learn to say ‘no’
When work pressure and commitments to society and family become too much, learn to say ‘no’. Don’t rush into the request. Asking for help when needed is also an important part of teamwork.
02. Take a break
According to the International Stress Management Association, “You can perform better at your job if you practice taking breaks of at least 10/15 minutes between tasks.” So instead of sitting at the desk and having lunch, during this time shake off all the worries from your head and recharge yourself a little. Results are your next steps!
03. Exercise
Physical activity is a great way to relieve stress from our human body. Physical activity releases endorphins in our body, which make us feel good. It also boosts energy and counteracts stress hormones such as cortisol. Choose any exercise suitable for your body, it may be walking or dancing or gym exercise!
04. Learn to switch off
Off for today or done with work? But turn off the switch in your mind just like you switch off your mobile phone. Do not burden your mind with unnecessary work.
05. Take a deep breath
When we are stressed, we usually take shallow breaths, which basically increases anxiety. Here are some breathing rules to relieve anxiety –
- Take a deep breath into your diaphragm, feeling your ribs expand.
- Once the breath feels full, take three more breaths and hold.
- Exhale fully this time and try to exhale three more times in small increments.
- Repeat three to four times.
06. Caffeine news
Coffee, tea, cola and all alcoholic beverages increase the release of adrenaline in the blood, which actually increases stress levels. If you want to drink, drink green tea. Green tea is rich in anti-oxidants, which counteract the oxidative damage caused by stress in the body.
07. Be positive
Most stress actually depends on your perception. Look back a little and think, is it really necessary to worry about what you are worried about? Just a little change in your perspective will help you see any problem from a positive angle.
08. Planning is everything
Be strategic in time management. At the end of a day’s work, make a list of ‘what to do’ the next day. It will give you a sense of relief after the listed tasks are completed one by one.
09. Sleep well at night
Can’t sleep at night? One of the side-effects of stress is insomnia, which increases stress and makes the body tired and moody. Turn off the television, take a warm bath. Read a interesting story or funny book or listen to music before bed. Keep a notebook on your bedside table, jot down whatever comes to mind. Then they can’t accumulate in your mind and increase stress.
10. Find your way out
Robert M. According to Sapolsky, finding a regular outlet to escape your daily worries can go a long way in relieving stress. It may be a social event, song, dance, or meditation, prayer or any hobby! It will give you mental strength and make your gloomy day enjoyable.
11. Massage
A good way to manage stress is massage. It relaxes the muscles holding your nails, reduces pain and improves circulation. In the end, it plays a role in eliminating mental fatigue.
12. Do meditation
Meditate for at least 15 to 30 minutes a day. Even if you are too busy with work, take some time for meditation. All you need to meditate is your mind. Give your mind some quiet time during the day or focus on your breathing. A little peace of mind will give you the strength to face the many stresses and disturbances throughout the day.
13. Choose yoga exercises
Yoga exercises increase the release of endorphins in the brain, which make the mind happy. Moreover, yoga practice also reduces obesity and other health risks. So consult a specialist to choose the type of yoga exercise suitable for your body.
14. Organize life
A well-organized life gives us a peaceful mind and a sense of self-control. Always try to keep everything in order, so don’t forget anything important. Work on time and leave some time for yourself in between all tasks. You will see that all the storms of the mind are coming to a halt!
15. Eat healthy food
It has already been proven that junk food increases our depression (not to mention obesity). So make a little change in your diet. Non-vegetarian and grain-based foods increase our energy and also try to change our mindset. According to scientists, foods like nuts, sea fish, vegetables play a role in relieving stress.
16. Reduce internet and phone usage
Disconnect. One of the major reasons for not being able to reduce stress is not being able to keep yourself away from the internet and telephone. By disconnecting from the internet and telephone, at least some of the things that make us depressed can be avoided. And besides, you can enjoy your precious time in your own way.
17. Take B vitamins
Vitamin B is very important in the healthy development of the brain and nervous system. Moreover, it also plays a role in relaxation. Lack of vitamin B leads to irritability and depression. So take vitamin B. Beans, peas, nuts, liver, eggs and milk are generally rich in B vitamins.
18. Aromatherapy
In some cases, inhalation results in immediate stress relief as well as reduced anxiety and increased focus. According to experts, fragrances stimulate our sensory system, which triggers the release of certain chemicals in the brain that create feelings of relaxation, love, excitement and peace in us. Some popular essential oils for stress relief are rosemary, cypress and lavender.
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